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2 minute read - 17th July 2024

Innova Nanojet opens new £9m manufacturing facility in Scotland

Innova Nanojet Technologies has established its first manufacturing facility in Scotland following an investment of almost £9m. The fast-growing company is also set to eventually create 195 new jobs at the site in Vale of Leven, West Dunbartonshire.

Innova Nanojet Technologies provides products based on breakthrough NanoJet platform technologies, capable of spraying trillions of supersonic and nanosized droplets to eliminate airborne contaminants and viruses using only water, offering a quick, sustainable, and cost-effective solution.

A package of support and funding from Scottish Enterprise has been created for the company, including a grant of £1.5m as a contribution towards the company’s investment in its new Scottish operations.

Innova Nanojet Technologies has invested almost £9m in a new manufacturing facility in Scotland, set to create 195 new jobs / Picture: Innova Nanojet Technologies

Reuben Aitken, Scottish Enterprise managing director of international operations, said: “It’s fantastic to see a young, innovative company like Innova Nanojet Technologies invest almost £9 million in Scotland. Not only will this allow the business to scale quickly, it also means a significant number of new jobs created for local communities over the next few years.

“Companies like Innova Nanojet Technologies are great examples of Scotland’s continuing success at attracting inward investment, with EY’s Attractiveness Survey last week naming Scotland again as the number one UK location for foreign direct investment projects outside of London. Alongside our partners, we’ll continue to promote the wealth of business benefits Scotland offers to international companies and investors.”

Chairman and CEO of Innova NanoJet Technologies, Dr Charles Huang, added: “Thirty years after my graduation from the University of Strathclyde, I’m very thrilled to be back in Scotland to commence the production of our Innova NanoJet Technologies Ltd’s first commercialisation product that will revolutionise indoor air cleaning and disinfection which will benefit billions of people in the world. With Scottish Enterprise’s continued support, we look forward to developing and launching more innovative products and solutions for the world.”

The company’s technologies have applications across industries, including personal and public health, agriculture, food, housing, commercial buildings, transportation, social infrastructure, power generation, national security, and public safety.

The first commercial application of the NanoJet technologies is the Clean Air for Life CDa product series. These filter-less air purification systems use ultra-fine droplet sprays to effectively and efficiently clean and disinfect indoor air. The series includes the CDa Pro (for business applications), CDa Model-H (for home use), and the robotic CDaBot (for large public indoor spaces). These products are specifically designed to prevent aerosol transmission of viruses and remove airborne pollutants, setting new standards for air purification and viral safety.

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