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2 minute read - 25th July 2024

Bentley Motors makes progress on new design centre

Bentley Motors has reached a significant milestone in the construction of its new design centre with a topping out ceremony, marking the completion of the building’s structural phase. The construction is part of a £2.5bn investment to transform the site into a ‘Dream Factory’.

The new design centre, which will be completed next year, converts one of Bentley’s most historic buildings on site, the famous ‘front of house’ with a fresh design and architecture conceptualised by Bentley’s own design team. Dating back to 1939, and the origins of Bentley Motors in Crewe, the building has been a cornerstone of Bentley’s legacy having hosted celebrated visitors including Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Upon completion, the new space will be approximately double the size of the previous design centre, and will be home to around 50 designers, covering exterior, interior and colour and trim.

Bentley Motors has made progress on the construction of its new design centre, part of a £2.5bn investment by the car maker / Picture: Bentley Motors

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Dr. Matthias Rabe, board member for R&D at Bentley Motors, said: “We are currently in the middle of a design revolution that will help define a new chapter for Bentley design, as part of our Beyond100 transformational journey. Therefore, building an innovative, creative environment for our designers to drive the development of future BEV models and more extraordinary products is key to our aim of becoming the world’s leading sustainable luxury mobility company.”

Bentley’s industry-leading Beyond100 strategy will see the company reinvent its entire product range to support a fully electrified future. This expansion is a crucial part of Bentley’s £2.5bn investment programme in future products and the Pyms Lane factory in Crewe.

Andreas Lehe, board member for manufacturing at Bentley Motors, added: “Modernising our site not only gives a clear commitment to a long-term future in Crewe, however also shows our ambition that to continue to invest in state-of-the-art buildings will help establish a benchmark position in truly digital, innovative, highly-flexible luxury car development and manufacture.”

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