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3 minute read

10 Questions With – Brian Irvine, CEO of Dynamic Materials

1. What is your morning routine once your arrive at the factory/office, does this depend on the day of the week it is?

I generally make sure that everyone has arrived and settled, get an idea of their plans for the day.(Validating that against what I understand to be their tasks for that week). Make a cuppa and then make a start on my own to-do list. Most days are a similar format, although there can be meetings and visitors to deal with.

2. What is your view on post Brexit Britain – positive, negative or indifferent and why?

Negative. It is challenging enough being part of a European Manufacturing sector with the ROW as competition. Without the critical mass of our European partners we face a difficult task.

4. What is your proudest career achievement so far?

I’ve been involved in a number of businesses that had hit some very tough times over the years, but by rolling my sleeves up and working with quality teams, I have been able to retain a position of always getting the banks their full investment returned. (And some more on occasions).

4. What’s one thing you have implemented in your business that you would encourage other manufacturers to embrace and implement?

We trained all staff in Business Improvement Techniques, which provided them with a ‘toolkit’ to support me in making their business better.

5. What one thing would you change to make your business more efficient and productive if money was no object?

We have run out of space as the businesses has developed and grown, so having a new factory and offices where we could get production laid out efficiently, space to store product and have easy access, but more importantly to have offices where we could have the right groups of people working together in their own spaces instead of being fragmented would be awesome.

6. What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

‘Tomorrow is another day’. Many times when I’ve been unable to get the solution to a particularly difficult challenge or the day had been particularly difficult, I’ve gone home and woken up next morning and have the answers.

7. If you were given 1 million pounds – how would you invest that in your business?

I’d split it between accelerating the development of some of the exciting ‘new’ materials we have in progress and further marketing our existing product ranges – especially those that make a positive environmental contribution.

8. How do you think the manufacturing community can collectively continue to engage and interest young people in manufacturing careers?

Support apprenticeships across all disciplines. However, also be prepared to give the younger generation a go even if they choose not to follow a structured educational route.

9. How do you see smart technology (IoT & Industry 4.0) affecting the long-term growth of UK manufacturing?

I see it as a positive step. Making best use of technology and communications to improve effectiveness within a business can only be a good thing. It should also mean that we can redirect the mind-share and intellect within businesses to more productive or creative activities.

10. If you could choose, what would you like your legacy to be once you retire?

For the businesses I’ve been involved in to continue to re-invent themselves and provide for the well-being of the existing individuals and also for the youngsters in the future.

Brian Irvine, CEO of Dynamic Materials / Picture: DMG

10 Questions With… is a regular feature where we put a variety of quick fire questions to manufacturing leaders and role models to get to know the people behind manufacturing success in the UK.

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