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Sony UK TEC launches its 2020 apprenticeship programme

Sony UK Technology Centre (UK TEC) is searching for the latest round of talented applicants to join its higher apprenticeship scheme.

The Pencoed-based facility, which produces 4K and HD broadcast cameras for worldwide distribution, has launched the scheme for the eighth consecutive year.

The industry-leading scheme is coordinated by the company’s on site Sony Wales Academy and will enable its participants to gain invaluable work experience, while they also work to gain degree-level qualifications.

Sony UK TEC has launched its 2020 apprenticeship programme, the 8th consecutive year the scheme has searched for the talent of the future / Picture: Sony UK


Sony UK TEC is looking for budding electronic engineers from across South Wales to take part in the four year scheme. As part of the apprenticeship, successful applicants will work across a diverse range of departments, to enable them to decide where their interests and skills are best suited.

During the scheme, they will help to develop internationally renowned products including 4K broadcast technology, the Raspberry Pi, Sony’s smart office solution Nimway, and smart city technology.

Discussing the wealth of advantages that apprenticeships have to offer, Kevin Edwards, Sony’s general manager for engineering, said: “Our apprenticeship is a thorough and diverse programme which offers new starters an in-depth insight into all aspects of Sony UK TEC’s highly successful engineering operation. We leverage the advantage of mixing high level academic courses with working alongside our sometimes-extraordinary team at Pencoed.

“We believe that this varied approach creates highly skilled and well-rounded team players and opens up a vast wealth of opportunities to them within the industry as a result. At the end of their four years, they are fully equipped with the ability, and knowledge, to become some of the sector’s brightest engineering talents and to drive genuine progression in the fields of technology and manufacturing.”

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