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AstraZeneca & GSK collaborate to boost Covid-19 testing

As part of the UK government’s new five pillar plan to boost testing for Covid-19, AstraZeneca, GSK and the University of Cambridge have formed a joint collaboration to support the UK national testing effort.

The trio will set up a new testing laboratory at the university’s Anne McLaren laboratory. The facility will be used for high throughput screening for Covid-19 testing and to explore the use of alternative chemical reagents for test kits in order to help overcome current supply shortages.

AstraZeneca, GSK and the University of Cambridge have formed a joint collaboration to boost Covid-19 testing / Picture: AstraZeneca


Alongside this new testing facility, AstraZeneca and GSK are working together to provide process optimisation support to the UK national testing centres in Milton Keynes, Alderley Park and Glasgow, providing expertise in automation and robotics to help the national testing system to continue to expand capacity over the coming weeks.

While diagnostic testing is not part of either company’s core business, the firm’s are moving as fast as possible – with a focus on providing its world class scientific and technical expertise – working both with the government’s screening programme and alongside the wider life sciences sector and specialist diagnostic companies.

In a joint statement, both firms said further updates on progress will be issued on this work in due course.

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