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3 minute read - 24th July 2024

Airbus lands Virgin and Japan Airlines orders at Farnborough

With the 2024 Farnborough Airshow well underway, Airbus has announced a series of new orders. Virgin Atlantic has placed a firm order for seven A330neo aircraft as part of its wider fleet transformation. The agreement takes Virgin Atlantic’s commitment for the A330neo to 19 aircraft in total, providing improved economics.

Meanwhile, Japan Airlines (JAL) has signed a firm order with Airbus for 20 A350-900 widebody aircraft and 11 single-aisle A321neo, finalising a commitment announced earlier this year. The new A350-900s will join the carrier’s A350 fleet serving international routes, while the A321neo will operate on domestic services within Japan. To date, JAL has ordered a total of 52 A350s, with 18 in service. The A321neo contract represents JAL’s first order for the Airbus single-aisle product line.

All wings on Airbus commercial aircraft are designed in the UK, with the majority built in North Wales. The A330neo is powered by the latest generation Rolls-Royce Trent 7000 engines and the A350 is exclusively powered by Rolls-Royce Trent XWB engines, which are assembled and tested in Derby.

Picture: Airbus/Dreamstime

Shai Weiss, CEO of Virgin Atlantic said: “Today, we complete our multi-billion-dollar fleet transformation, with the purchase of seven additional A330-900s, which we know our customers and our people love to fly. Flying the youngest fleet is the most readily available and significant lever towards decarbonising long-haul aviation and we are proud to already operate one of the youngest and most fuel and carbon efficient fleets across the Atlantic. Our special partnership with Airbus began with the arrival of ‘Lady in Red’ in 1993, with our most recent arrival, ‘Ruby Rebel’, arriving to mark our 40th birthday this year. Virgin Atlantic has flown more than 60 Airbus tails in the last three decades. While not first to the party, they’ve been our main dance partner, making our customers smile ever since.”

Yukio Nakagawa, executive officer and senior vice president of procurement for Japan Airlines, said: “We are delighted to have signed the firm order for the introduction of additional A350s and new A321s. We will accelerate the introduction of the state-of-the-art and fuel-efficient aircraft to provide our passengers with excellent service and to reduce CO₂ emissions. We believe that this additional introduction of Airbus aircraft will further deepen our partnership.”

Picture: Airbus

Airbus chief executive officer for commercial aircraft, Christian Scherer, said: “We are grateful for Virgin Atlantic’s decision to expand its A330neo fleet as part of its strategy to have the youngest fleet across the Atlantic. The A330neo not only delivers unbeatable operational seat mile cost and an exceptional passenger experience, it also greatly enhances Virgin Atlantic’s fleet efficiency and contributes to their sustainability journey. We look forward to continuing this smooth and successful collaboration for many years to come.”

“We thank Japan Airlines for placing its confidence once again in the A350. In addition, we celebrate a new milestone in our partnership with the airline following its order for the A321neo. We are committed to providing our full support to Japan Airlines as its growing fleet is deployed on more routes across its network, both domestically and internationally.”

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