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2 minute read - 26th July 2024

Castle Precision Engineering secures £85m Rolls-Royce contract

Rolls-Royce has awarded Glasgow-based firm Castle Precision Engineering with a contract worth more than £85m for the manufacture and supply of precision machined critical rotating aero engine parts. The new agreement, which runs through to the second half of the decade, continues a 40-year relationship with the firm as a supplier to its Civil Aerospace, Defence and Business Aviation programmes.

Components made by Castle Precision Engineering are used in Rolls-Royce products across the Trent family of engines (pictured below) used for large passenger and freight aircraft; the Pearl family of engines used in business jets; and the Eurofighter Typhoon’s EJ200 engines.

Castle Precision Engineering employs 120 people and manufactures high precision critical gas turbine components for the aerospace and energy industries, as well as complex prismatic parts for the defence, space and medical sectors.

Castle Precision Engineering has secured an £85m contract from Rolls-Royce for components used across the Trent family of engines / Picture: Rolls-Royce

Yan Tiefenbrun, managing director of Castle Precision, said: “This is the largest contract in our 73-year history and it represents growth and increased certainty for our company and our people, after the challenging pandemic years. It is testament to the exceptional operational performance delivered by the Castle team and the trust our customer places in us for this extensive portfolio of safety critical engine hardware. It’s a privilege and a fantastic endorsement of the high-quality precision engineering work we deliver here in the UK that we are extending this long-standing relationship with them.”

Jon Barsby, senior vice president for procurement at Rolls-Royce, said: “Formalising the continuation of our long-standing relationship with Castle Precision Engineering, reiterates our commitment to the UK supply chain and UK skills. Castle has continually proven to be a high quality, reliable, innovative supplier over many years of our collective endeavours and this contract extension, won against fierce global competition, is further endorsement of the hard work by the entire Castle team to ensure they remain competitive, agile and at the forefront of manufacturing innovation well into the future.”

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