2 minute read
10 Questions With – Mark Williams, MD of DRB Group
1. If you were prime minister, what would be the first thing you would change or improve for manufacturers?
I would encourage spend and investment into the manufacturing sector – initiatives such as zero corporation tax if it was all re-invested into the business.
2. What’s one thing you have implemented in your business that you would encourage other manufacturers to embrace and implement?
A Performance Management System. Measuring every element of the business from KPI’s through to resource appraisals – allowing identification of improvements.
3. What drove you to pursue a career in manufacturing and how old were you?
From school, it was all I wanted to do. I won the engineering prize at School then I won Apprentice of the Year in every year of my apprenticeship – including Apprentice of the Year for Merseyside. I started at 14.
4. What is your proudest career achievement so far?
Becoming a Chartered Engineer – then applying this to focus on commercial aspects of manufacturing/engineering companies. Having the resolve and wherewithal to influence and turn companies around.
5. What is a typical day for you? Time you wake up, get to the factory/office, go home etc.
Wake at 06:00 – in work for 07:30 or 08:00 (Traffic dependent!). I’m in the office until 18:00 or 19:00 sometimes and home by 19:00 or 20:00. Have dinner then often work until 23:00 or 00:00!
6. If you could choose, what would you like your legacy to be once you retire?
To be identified as the person who provided sound engineering and business acumen to develop and achieve profitable companies – providing security and opportunities for all employed.
7. What one thing would you change to make your business more efficient and productive if money was no object?
I would invest in technology and automation. Possibly also 3D printing as it would assist our design office.
8. How do you think the manufacturing community can collectively continue to engage and interest young people in manufacturing careers?
The key to this is to return to engineering/manufacturing as a subject for GCSE’s. In my day I studied Engineering Workshop Theory & Practise, this needs resurrecting.
9. Any wise words, advice or tips for someone looking to pursue a career in manufacturing?
Manufacturing has always been interesting – always keeps up to date with technology and the sector is ever changing. It is always steady – even through financial crashes, manufacturing can be ‘the steady’ which supports the country’s infrastructure when things go wrong. It is always evolving and always a challenge, but rewarding.
10. If you hadn’t embarked on a career in manufacturing, what do you think you would be doing now?
Almost certainly a Lawyer/Solicitor.

Mark Williams, Managing Director of DRB Group
10 Questions With… is a regular feature where we put a variety of quick fire questions to manufacturing leaders and role models to get to know the people behind manufacturing success in the UK.
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