2 minute read • published in partnership with Irwin Mitchell
Survey reveals the reality of ‘Quiet Firing’ in the manufacturing sector
Almost a third of respondents to a new survey who work in the manufacturing sector claim they’ve been forced to leave their job due to their manager making their work life uncomfortable and encouraging them to leave.
Leading law firm, Irwin Mitchell, recently conducted a nationally representative study into the issue of ‘quiet firing’ – the behaviour or actions by an employer that make employees feel like they’re no longer wanted, forcing them to quit.
Irwin Mitchell wants to raise awareness of the impact such poor behaviour can have on employees and the important measures managers should put in place to avoid ‘quiet firing’ and possible claims.
After surveying 80 people working in the manufacturing sector, Irwin Mitchell found:
• 88% of people don’t know what quiet firing is
• 29% of workers in the manufacturing sector say that their current or former manager has made their work life uncomfortable and encouraged them to leave
• 27% of workers in the manufacturing sector have been actively ignored by their manager
• 41% of workers in the manufacturing sector have been in roles where they’ve not received feedback
• 31% of workers in the manufacturing sector have purposely had information withheld from them, making them want to leave their roles
• 35% of workers in the manufacturing sector have experienced workplace bullying “disguised” as banter.
Glenn Hayes, an employment partner at Irwin Mitchell and specialist in the manufacturing sector, said: “The results of the survey pose serious concerns around behaviour in this regard, but it is not always easy for employees to identify unlawful behaviour in the workplace which gives them the right to bring employment claims such as discrimination and constructive dismissal claims. A lack of feedback was the predominant gripe that workers in the manufacturing sector had with their current or previous place of work. Other management failings for employees includedbeing ignored by their manager; being passed over for promotion; andbeing undermined in a meeting.
“On the whole there are a lot of excellent examples of great businesses looking after employees but sadly there are some examples where this isn’t the case. This type of behaviour can form grounds for constructive dismissal if it breaches the implied term of trust and confidence in the employment relationship and the employee has more than two years of service. Employers should be aware that employees are not afraid of exercising their legal rights in these situations and taking advice at an early stage to protect their position. As such, employers need to be aware of the dangers of quiet firing.”
To find out more or if this has affected you visit: Quite Firing. The data was sourced through a nationally representative survey with Find Out Now.