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Aircraft production and delivery rates remain stable

Figures for global aircraft orders and deliveries for July 2021 show that deliveries continue a slow recovery from the worst of the crisis, with July orders dropping slightly compared to other months in the first half of this year.

Customers ordered 33 aircraft – 21 single-aisle and 12 widebody – while year-to-date deliveries for 2021 are now 66% ahead of this time in 2020, at 528. As the recovery in orders and deliveries remain volatile month to month, ADS says it is difficult to precisely forecast the pace of recovery as the aerospace sector continues to feel the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, there are welcome signs of potential recovery supported by flight data showing UK flight numbers now around 50% below 2019 figures, and Europe-wide just under 30% below 2019 volumes. The backlog of aircraft orders remains substantial at 12,800 aircraft but has fallen from the pre-crisis peak of more than 14,000. The backlog represents several years’ worth of work and significant value to the UK aerospace manufacturing estimated to be £180bn at current input levels.

Figures show the recovery of aircraft production and delivery rates remain stable – there are currently around 12,800 aircraft in the order backlog globally / Picture: Getty/iStock

ADS chief executive, Kevin Craven, said: “The aerospace and aviation sectors continue to feel the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, though industry production rates and slowly rising flight numbers are showing welcome signs of potential recovery.

“However, deliveries and orders for widebody aircraft remain significantly suppressed and despite welcome UK government updates to green lists, changes in quarantine rules for double vaccinated travellers from the EU, US and UK there is still more to be done.

“To continue to nurture the UK and international aerospace and aviation recovery there is a need for continued international cooperation and coordination to restore flights and operations particularly on the vital transatlantic routes to pre-crisis levels.”

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